Visokogorska sekcija

Zamislite kako stojite visoko iznad oblaka, okruženi svježim zrkom s pogledima koji se protežu daleko iza horizonta. Nije to samo visokogorstvo. To je osobna odiseja, istraživanje samog sebe i komunikacija s beskrajnošću prirode.

Zamislite putovanje na kojem ćete uvijek pronaći ono što vam treba. Bilo da je to mir, osobni izazov, novo iskustvo, kreiranje veza s istomišljenicima ili iskonska radost probijanja vlastitih granica.

Zimski uvjeti nikad nisu smetnja, oni su najljepše platno za kreiranje nezaboravnih avantura, čak i u toplini ljeta kada snijeg tražimo i do 4.500 m nadmorske visine.

Zima nam pruža mir prirode i mogućnost kreiranja prvih koraka po svježem snijegu. U trenutku dolaska do željenog pogleda s vrha, ostvarit ćete ono o čemu drugi samo sanjaju.

Pridružite nam se dok koracamo po vrhovima, suočavajući se sa snijegom i ledom, tražeći najljepše prizore usred izazovnog terena.

A savjet za prvu avanturu s nama? Ponesite kremu za sunčanje i naočale. Sve ostalo imamo :)

Imagine standing high above the clouds, surrounded by crisp air with the views stretching far beyond the horizon. It is not just high altitude mountaineering. It's a personal odyssey, an exploration of self, and a communication with the grandeur of nature.

Imagine a journey where you will always find what you need. Be it peace, personal challenge, new experience, building bonds with like-minded individuals or the sheer joy of breaking through your boundaries.

Winter conditions are never a hindrance, they are the most beautiful canvas for crafting unforgettable adventures, even in the warmth of the summer when we look for snow up to 4.500m in altitude.

Winter provides us with the tranquillity of nature, and the ability to take your first steps in the fresh snow. Upon reaching the desired view from the summit, you will accomplish what others only dream of.

Join us as we navigate the peaks, facing snow and ice, seeking the most beautiful sights amidst the challenging terrain.

An advice for your first adventure with us? Bring sunscreen and glasses. We have everything else :)

Predrag Šuka
Predrag ŠukaVoditelj sekcije
  • Logarska & Rinke


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